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Do's and Don'ts of a Divorce


Tips for Conducting Yourself in Divorce Proceedings

Going through a divorce can be an extremely emotional and frustrating process for you and your family. It is easy to let your emotions, your fears, and your anxieties get in the way of successfully negotiating the terms of your divorce. Not only can this result in a divorce trial that is longer than necessary, but it may also cause further damage to you and your family. At Gille Kaye Law Group, PC, we want to help you understand that your conduct can make a tremendous difference in the finalization of your divorce.

Our primary Pasadena attorney, Christine Gille, is board certified in family law, which means that she has an expertise that few firms can offer. She has seen numerous divorce cases go wrong because one or both of the spouses could not collaborate in a productive and amicable nature. She understands the difficulty of the situation you are facing, and wants to give you the resources you need to get through the divorce as painlessly as possible.

Do: Cooperate with your ex-spouse and his or her attorney and be open to compromise.

Don't: Be stubborn and unyielding; this will only draw out and further complicate the process.

Do: Remain calm and rational throughout the process.

Don't: Let your emotions and frustrations guide you; lashing out will only make matters worse.

Do: Make your children your top priority.

Don't: Neglect the best interests of your children; they will be affected more deeply than you.

Do: Be honest and open with your ex-spouse regarding time spent with kids.

Don't: Lie about where and when you are with your children; you may risk facing kidnapping charges and losing custody of your children.

Do: Follow all regulations of temporary orders for custody or visitation.

Don't: Violate temporary orders; this will work against you in future custody battles.

Do: Disclose all assets and property in your possession.

Don't: Attempt to hide assets or give away property in attempt to deceive; this will work against you and may result in further legal action years after the divorce is final.

Do: Research and understand every process involved.

Don't: Go into a divorce without knowing your options; your spouse's attorney will recognize and take advantage of this.

Do: Hire a competent and knowledgeable attorney.

Don't: Face your divorce alone; Gille Kaye Law Group, PC is here to help.

Have a Board Certified Attorney on Your Side

You may not have control over the ultimate results of your divorce, however, you have the power to make a positive difference in the process that can give you the best chance at an agreeable resolution. With help from the experienced and reputable reputation of our Pasadena lawyer at Gille Kaye Law Group, PC, you can protect your own interests. Lengthy divorce proceedings are costly and emotionally trying, but you can see the process expedited by following simple tips for proper conduct throughout.

When you come to our firm, you can trust that we will ensure that you are well-informed about your options. We can also help you make educated and rational decisions that will help you seek the results you desire. Additionally, your children are our top priority, so you can feel confident that their needs will be met.

Contact us today for the legal representation you deserve!

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